What a year it has been and we are only in June. For many, your plans have been altered in more ways than one and you probably have changed your outlook on a lot of things. But, one thing that hasn’t really changed is real estate. In our Northern VA ...
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If you are thinking that it might be time to start planning on buying your own home, I say that the very first step is to talk to a local agent that can help guide you in the right direction from the start. Feeling overwhelmed should not be the first step when ...
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Are Homes Selling Right Now? Lots of people are asking me what is happening with real estate because of the pandemic. Well, in short, homes are still selling. Do we have even less inventory than normal? Yes. However, buyers that really need somewhere to live, are still out there looking ...
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Lots of things are changing for everyone right now. And sometimes, life does not stop. And for some of my clients, putting their home search on hold during this pandemic isn’t an option. Some buyers have a lease that is ending and it cannot be renewed. A few clients have already ...
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One of the hardest things I have to do as an agent is call a buyer and tell them that their offer was not chosen, and that they didn’t get the house they were so excited about. It is heart breaking on every level. Our spring market has been going ...
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